Take time to ensure your LinkedIn presence aligns with your personal brand and values.

Whether you’re actively job searching or content in your current role, it’s important to be aware of your LinkedIn presence and maintain professional branding throughout your profile. 

Keeping your page up to date ensures that your online presence aligns with your work experience and values. In addition, fresh branding puts you in a good spot for any future opportunities. 

It’s easier than ever to showcase your professional capabilities via LinkedIn. 

Here are our top 6 branding recommendations for LinkedIn:

1. Quality Headshot

Your profile picture is one of the first aspects that LinkedIn users see, so having a professional image is non-negotiable. 

Choose a high-quality headshot taken in a well-lit environment with a simple background. Avoid using selfies or filtered pictures. 

2. Strategic Headline 

Craft an eye-catching headline that communicates your key skill set, certifications, and other aspects that might be beneficial for viewers to know.

For example, if you’re a tenured business intelligence developer that focuses on the SQL Server BI suite, your headline could be “Sr. Business Intelligence – Development, Dashboards & Reports – SQL BI – SSAS, SSRS, SSIS.” 

If you’re a project manager with PMP and ITIL certifications who focuses on infrastructure and security projects, your tagline could read “Sr. Project Manager – Infrastructure, Networking, and Information Security – PMP, ITIL.”

3. Nurture Connections and Request Recommendations

Having a solid number of connections, endorsements, and recommendations instantly demonstrates credibility or social proof. 

There’s no perfect number of connections to have, but recruiters say that more is better. Some are concerned when they see small numbers, as it could potentially signify a fake profile. 

4. Showcase Proficiency in Key Technologies 

What top technologies, languages, tools, and methodologies do you use at work? 

Ensure these are included in your profile, whether that’s in each job description or in the About Me section. 

Don't forget to add applicable trainings, licenses, and certifications to LinkedIn as well.

5. Customize Profile URL 

In the Settings section of your profile, edit your URL so it isn’t a never-ending line of numbers and letters. It’s a good practice to use your first name followed by last name, but you can also have some fun with it! 

If you’re a technical support specialist, you could adjust the URL to be linkedin.com/in/JohnSmithTechnicalSupport or linkedin.com/in/JohnSmithWindowsWhiz.

6. Get Involved with Groups

Remember to include group or community involvement in your profile. Specify what capacity you’re involved, i.e., whether you’re a volunteer or member. Connect with your favorite groups by interacting with them on LinkedIn. 

For example, if you’re a business analyst involved with your local IIBA chapter, follow them and engage with their posts by commenting, liking, or sharing.

To set yourself apart from your competition, consider adding extracurriculars, like publications, honors and awards, languages, etc.

By ensuring that your LinkedIn profile is up to date and properly branded, you are putting your best (virtual) foot forward in the professional world. Routinely refresh your page with the latest information and don't be afraid to engage with others on this networking platform!