Frank Bernieri, Professor at Oregon State University, wanted to see how important first impressions were during an interview. He had professionally trained interviewers watch 20 min videos of interviews and rate the individual on different elements of 'hireability'. He then had novices watch just the first 20 seconds of the same interviews, and also rate the individual. The ratings between the two groups were virtually the same! We all have heard that first impressions are important. Certified body language trainer, Jeff Baird will share just how important it really is and give you non-verbal tips on how to nail the interview and get more job offers.
Jeff Baird is a certified body language trainer, goal hacker, hiring manager and the anti-boring corporate trainer. He's also worked in IT and Business intelligence for nearly 20 years and is a Chris Hemsworth look-a-like. Just checking to see if you're still reading. Jeff's approach is science backed, applicable & fun. He'll help you take control of your nonverbal communication, 'read' others' body language and finally nail those stretch goals. He's ready to help you break through your career (or life) plateaus.
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