From Chaos to Confidence " Reclaiming Your Power in Turbulent / Stressful Times
The battlefield is a scene of constant chaos. The winner will be the one who controls the chaos, both his own and his enemies. " Napoleon Bonaparte
If you want to succeed today, you must know how to deal with the ever-changing, chaotic times. You must be able to accurately perceive the world out there, and truly understand the world within you.
In times of change, its easy for the stress to cause your mind to take shortcuts. You might see everything in black or white, good or bad, and in the absence of data you assume the worst. But, if you take the time to measure and examine your thinking habits, and assess if your thoughts are truly adding value, you might find that your mind is working against you. It doesn't have to be that way.
Stress effects of a Delayed Return Environment
The T.E.A.R. model of results
Measuring your thinking habits quickly and accurately
Mastering self-leadership and thriving through chaos
Instantly shifting to your thinking strengths to reclaim your power
Learning Objectives:
Framework for getting better results
Framework for creating value (even in turbulent times)
Free assessment and video short course to access your minds strengths
Resources for mastering self-leadership and self-confidence
Traci earned a bachelor's degree in chemistry from Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, OH. She entered the master's program in athletic coaching at The Ohio State University. She has coached basketball at the high school and collegiate levels. She was also a project manager for 17 years and directed over 100 consultants for an IT consulting firm. Traci has spoken to more than 23,000 people over the past 9 years including over 70 PMI chapters including 4 PMI Global Congresses. Today she applies her background in science and coaching to help Project Managers and executives measurably improve their thinking and leaderships skills using the breakthrough science of neuro-axiology. You'll learn more about her and neuro-axiology during this presentation as well as how to immediately apply your new knowledge to your career and your life.
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