30 Minutes

Did you know that two individuals can send up to 800 nonverbal cues in the span of 30 minutes? That with up to 70% accuracy, people can predict the outcome of an election, interview, etc. based on pictures of the individuals body language? 

Being knowledgeable about body language and intentionally influencing your body language can have a powerful impact, as both an interviewee or interviewer, a sales person or client, and in any every day relationship and interaction! 

In this 30-minute overview, you'll:

  • Learn about how powerful body language truly is 
  • Ideas to influence the three most important aspects of body language 
  • An additional "bonus tip" for helping individuals see how meaningful the impact could be for that role 
Speaker Jeff Baird

Jeff is a certified body language expert, a certified Big 5 personality science expert, and a tenured technical manager in the business intelligence and data science space. 

Reflection/Discussion Questions

  1. Jeff's initial photo comparison exercise demonstrated that “with up to 70% accuracy, people could guess who won an election purely based on pictures of the two candidates. Did this surprise you? Why or why not?
  2. Which statistic surprised you the most (EX. exchange up to 800 nonverbal cues in 30 minutes, 12-13x more powerful)?
  3. The two traits people seem to evaluate are trustworthiness and confidence. We want to achieve warmth, trustworthiness and confidence. How do you try to influence your perception in these areas, both verbally and nonverbally?
  4. Jeff shared 4 key strategies, including to: 1.) send friendship cues, 2.) unblock, 3.) show hands with open palms, and 4.) tell a story that shows purpose behind role/project/team, painting a picture of the meaningful impact the person could make. Which of these strategies do you feel you do well now, and how do you achieve? Which one do you need to focus on, and how will you accomplish that? 

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