Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. Do I need to print the Form I-9? 
    No, you do not need to print the Form I-9 or copies of your documents.
  2. Do I need to go into an Apex office to complete this task?
    No, you do not need to travel to an Apex office to complete this task.  You can utilize a trusted friend or family member.
  3. Do I need to respond to this email upon completion of the task?
    No, you do not need to respond upon completion of the form.
  4. Do I need take action if I am no longer active with Apex Systems?
    No, you do not need to take an action if you are no longer active with Apex.
  5. Is SterlingONE different than TalentWise? 
    No, they are the same system. TalentWise is the former name for SterlingONE, our selected onboarding platform.

If you have questions or need assistance after attempting to complete the steps we provided, please email [email protected]

Simple Steps:

  • You will need to access your completed Form I-9 and copies of the identity and work authorization documents you presented during onboarding through SterlingOne formerly known as Talentwise. You can access SterlingOne/Talentwise at SterlingONE Sign In. Your username should be your email address that was used during onboarding.  If you have forgotten your password, you can request a new password through the SterlingOne portal.
    • Once you are logged in, go to “My Documents” and look for the Form-I9 and the identification documents used.
    • Click on the I-9 documents to download.
  • You will need to have another adult (parent, spouse, friend, sibling, coworker, roommate, notary public, etc.) act as an “Authorized Representative” for Apex Systems by completing the in-person physical inspection of the documents you presented during the I-9 process.
  • After the Authorized Representative completes the in-person inspection, the Authorized Representative will need to complete a short online form located at