A telecommunications and mass media company improves its ability to perform ad hoc research during a globally televised event.


Our client wanted to understand how consumers would interact and view the World Cup, one of the most popular sporting events in the world, especially with it being at a new time of year. Our client has a Big Data environment that tracks and analyzes every user’s viewership, services used, offers accepted/declined, connection errors, changes in bandwidth, and more at a national scale.

To draw insights from this data, queries must be efficient, and the visualizations well presented to give the most value to stakeholders. Some of these reports will even define fees paid to third parties.

As such, they must be accurate, or the client could face penalty fees or charges. Also, new projects need to be implemented into the systems and legacy systems are slowly being migrated from on site to cloud.


To help the client complete this migration, Apex assembled a team of eight consultants split between three client teams. Apex’s consultants worked with client stakeholders and other third-party consultants to accomplish: 

Reduced AWS Execution Costs and Increased ETL Reliability with Big Data World Cup Viewership Analysis

  • Construction and upgrade of ETLs (SQL, Hive, Bash script, Lambda Functions, Step Functions, Athena, S3, Git)
  • Migration of ETL jobs from legacy systems into AWS cloud (SQL, Hive, Bash script, Lambda Functions, Step Functions, Athena, S3)
  • Data Analysis and Reporting (SQL, R, Tableau, Step Functions)
  • AdHoc Reporting and Dashboard Creation (SQL, Tableau)
  • ETL Performance Optimization by either changing the AWS Configuration (Fleets, Tez memory, Core Node vs Task Node ratio, etc.) or rebuilding troublesome jobs with a new more efficient logic or tool.


Apex helped the client grow their big data environment and ensured their data is trustworthy and available in a timely manner. This project improved the client’s ability to perform ad hoc research to drive efficiency and discover monetization opportunities during a globally televised event.