An American entertainment company uses Apex to replace an entire offshore helpdesk to their onshore headquarters in order to improve customer service.
Our client, an American hospitality and entertainment company, sought a partner to provide consultants for their new Service Desk within a short time frame. Their previous Service Desk was located offshore and was experiencing issues with poor customer service skills, language barriers, and was too costly to sustain, which resulted in our client moving their operations onshore to their headquarters. The Service Desk was responsible for level one IT support and customer service issues for all internal employees nationwide. The client’s internal HR team had a lengthy onboarding process due to specific gaming background checks and did not have the bandwidth to support hiring the resources, so utilizing one partner to onboard their consultants made the process easier. For these reasons and our previous performance, the client chose Apex to fill 20 new positions on a contract-to-hire basis.
Apex assumed all responsibility for phone screening, which included both IT and customer service questions, and set up the phone interviews with our client, all within a week’s timeframe. At the end of that week, our client had selected their team and Apex began onboarding them immediately. We understood that the onboarding process could be lengthy due to the gaming registration checks that our client had to conduct themselves, adding an additional one to two weeks to the process.
20 Consultants Deployed
Once the consultants began working at the Service Desk, our client was pleased with Apex’s dedication and level of commitment to maintaining employee relations. Out of the 20 that started, 90% of consultants were successfully retained. Ultimately, Apex saved our client both time and money and their Service Desk has since received praise from internal employees about the improvement in customer service response times and quality.